Shams Hospital is a household name in the treatment of heart diseases

Best In tech

CT scan and CT angiography (64 slices), radiology and ultrasound, Cath lab (coronary angiography) and...

Customer satisfaction

Our pride is the patient's satisfied smile upon discharge from the hospital

human heart

Professional Staff

We are honored to work with the best cardiologists in Iran

24/7 Support

Our medical services and support are available around the clock

About Us

Shams Urmia Hospital was built in 2006 with 2,056 square meters of land and 7,400 square meters of equipment to provide quality medical services to clients. The hospital is also built according to the latest international standards in the field of medical tourism, IPD is ready to provide medical services to patients from neighboring countries such as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Nakhchivan, Iraq and Turkey. The hospital has modern medical equipment and uses the latest world advancements in hospital information management systems.

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Why Choose Us

This is the cardiology center in northwest Iran The heart is one of the most sensitive organs in the body, which is why all the facilities in this hospital are equipped with the most advanced technology. In this hospital, in addition to cardiac surgery, we make general surgery, plastic surgery, urology and ENT surgery with best medical team in the region.







24 Hours


About Us

Why You Should Trust Us? Get Know About Us!

We are one of the largest hospital trusts in Iran, with a hospital and medical clinics serving a local population of nearly 565,000 people. We also provide some specialized services for the general population,

including heart and general surgery and cosmetic surgery for all provinces of Western Azerbaijan, based at Urmia Shams Hospital.

Quality health care

Only Qualified Doctors

Medical Research Professionals

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Dr Ramin Eskandari
Ramin  Eskandari

Cardiologist / Interventional Cardiology Fellowship

Dr. Yahya Abai
Yahya  Abai

General surgeon

ِِDr Bahman Farshid
Bahman  Farshid


Dr Reza  Samarei
Reza  Samarei

ENT specialist & surgeon

Get In Touch

Daneshkadeh, URMIA, IRAN

Emergency Call Number:   +984433434490

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